Tuesday, February 5, 2013


US Enegery department under Cyber Attack

  • Tuesday, February 5, 2013
  • Nauman Ashraf
  • The Energy Department has been under massive cyber-attacks, as a result information of its hundreds of employees has been stolen, the officials are not positive over theft of secret information, According to report.

    The FBI is now investigating the attack in which hackers penetrated into 20 workstations and about 14 computer servers in the Washington based headquarters two weeks ago.

    The Energy Department is now in contact with its employees who were hacked as a result of the cyber-attack and the account information has has been reset. The Department also said that this attack could be conducted from the Chinese capital of Beijing as the accuracy of attacks indicates the involvement of a foreign government.

    The department includes the National Nuclear Security Administration, which maintains nuclear weapons.
    “It’s a continuing story of negligence,” former Energy Department security official Ed McCallum told the Free Beacon, explaining that the department continues to have security problems despite controlling some of the most “sophisticated military and intelligence technology the country owns.”
    The department also puts Iran in the line by saying that Iran and China both are after our secrets.
    “China continues to develop its capabilities in the cyber arena,” the U.S. China Economic and Security Review Commission said in a November 2012 report to Congress. “U.S. industry and a range of government and military targets face repeated exploitation attempts by Chinese hackers as do international organizations and nongovernmental groups including Chinese dissident groups, activists, religious organizations, rights groups, and media institutions.”

    The people’s republic of China is under a lot of pressure these days, as the WSJ and NYT has also accused the country of hacking its computers. Recently 250,000 Twitter accounts were also compromised in similar sophisticated cyber attack.

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