Wednesday, April 3, 2013


UK Commonwealth Bank Site Hacked, Data Leaked

  • Wednesday, April 3, 2013
  • Nauman Ashraf
  • The infamous hacker group with the handle LatinHackTeamR have hacked into the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, United Kingdom branch ( hackers leaked of data of the Bank website.

    Tuesday morning, The hackers announced the hack on twitter and the leak has been posted to Anonpaste site.

    The commonwealth bank is one of Australias largest banks. Now a days hackers targeting Banking System and leaking databases.

    See also: Soneri Bank online banking system Hacked by Xploiter from Pakbugs

    Anatomy of the attack on banking site is not known. It seems hacker found and exploited SQL Injection flaw and hacked the website or used some 0 day to get into the server.

    The leaked data by the hackers contains 1900 email addresses, encrypted passwords and full names being leaked online. It is unsure exactly who these accounts belong to but either way it proves that they need to have a decent look into the security of customers information.

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