Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Former secretary of State Colin Powell Facebook page Hacked

  • Wednesday, March 13, 2013
  • Nauman Ashraf

  • The former secretary of state  Facebook page hacked by a hacker who posted anti-Bush comments, and focused some negative energy Powell's way.

    The Washington Post picked up and posted some of the comments before they were deleted, including: “YOU WILL BURN IN HELL,BUSH” and “KILL THE ILLUMINATI!”
    The hacker seemed intent on battling Powell for his page, posting, “PUT A CURSE ON THE FINGER WHICH YOU USE TO DELETE THESE POSTS!!!”

    Powell was apparently able to gain the upper hand, posting later in the day, “I'm happy to report that the hacking problem has been fixed. We have been working with fb this morning and they took immediate action to remedy the situation.”
    The retired four-star general is the latest Bush administration alumnus to be hacked. Both former Bush presidents had their email compromised, including some images of George W. Bush’s artwork.
    The blog Naked Security seemed to think there was a link between the two incidents since some of the postings were signed “Guccifer,” the same name as the Bush family hacker.
    But even less high-profile online accounts are subject to hackers. One way to try to keep your account safe: Don’t use the same password for every site where you have an account.
    Passwords, experts advise, could be a mix of random words and characters. Also, they say, stay away from anything easy to guess, like your birthday or your favorite sports team. Another suggestion: Change your passwords every 90 days or so.


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