Monday, March 11, 2013


Important US Celebrities Hacked, Finances exposed online including vice president, attorney general, FBI director and others

  • Monday, March 11, 2013
  • Nauman Ashraf

  • Hackers have published alleged personal financial records of several politicians and celebrities, including US Vice President Joe Biden, Kim Kardashian, Robert Mueller (FBI Director), Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder (U.S. Attorney General), Charlie Beck (LAPD Chief), Mel Gibson, Ashton Kutcher, Jay Z, Beyonce, Paris Hilton.

    Hackers have published what are alleged to be the personal financial records for several politicians and celebrities, including US Vice President Joe Biden, Attorney General Eric Holder and musicians Jay-Z and Beyoncé.

    Gossip website TMZ reported on Monday that hackers have leaked sensitive information pertaining to a list of important American figures, including Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton, Mel Gibson, Ashton Kutcher, Joe Biden, Robert Mueller, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder and LAPD Chief Charlie Beck, but elected to not share the information with their audience.has posted social security numbers, mortgage amounts, credit card info, car loans, banking and other info of major celebs.The hackers has posted social security numbers, mortgage amounts, credit card info, car loans, banking and other info of major celebs.

    The website is Exposed.Su that posted personal financial information of important US celebs.

    According to RT, The documents were made aware on monday, contained on a page titled ‘The Secret Files. The page contains simply a link to the figures allegedly hacked, an image of a girl holding her forefinger up to her mouth and a quote from the television program Dexter: "If you believe that God makes miracles, you have to wonder if Satan has a few up his sleeve.”

    Among the specific details included in the data dump are the social security numbers and alleged home addresses and contact information for most of the figures profiled, as well as credit reports and other financial figures for a select bunch.

    For former first lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, hackers have released only her Social Security Number and places of residence. For other targets, though, the information leaked allows for much more of a glimpse into the finances.

    The law inforcements agency  has already launched an investigation on this alleged information leakage.

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